I make a blind guess here, but whenever you are unhappy with your life, you tend to focus your thoughts on the wrong elements of your current life situation. You focus your mind on the stuff that goes terribly wrong, you compare yourself to other more successful people and you no longer see the good parts of your OWN life, you no longer see your uniqueness. You ask yourself the wrong questions...
#34 – Don’t Try To Help Everybody, It Won’t Work
I always wanted to make a big difference in the world. I always was striving for doing something big and change a lot of people’s lives. But the more you go down this road and dedicate your time to improve the life of others to the better, the more you have to realize that you cannot help everybody. You always have good intentions and you can try your best to give them advice and really...
#33 – Keep Your Promises To Keep Your Self-Worth
If you find yourself not living up to the promises you make to other people around you, you should definitely read this, it might help you. Whenever you give a promise to somebody (whatever “unimportant” person that may be and whatever “tiny” issue it is about) you have to live up to that. This is crucial even for the smallest promise you give and I will explain you why...