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#44 – Whatever You Have To Say Has Huge Value

Whatever You Have To Say Has Huge Value

There is no reason why you and the stuff you have to say is not good enough. Whatever you say has value, simply by the fact that you say it. This is the attitude you should keep in mind for yourself. You are unique and whatever story or opinion you can tell other people is solely influenced by YOUR years of experience and YOUR life. There is NOBODY on this earth who has experienced the same as...

#43 – Deciding Against The Safer Option Is The Safer Option

Deciding Against The Safer Option Is The Safer Option

Sometimes you have to take a leap of trust, you have to go a path you have never walked and even if its final destination might be unsure. You know you have to walk it and go on with your journey. You have to leave your known territory behind to make room for new stuff, something better. There are times in your life where you have to decide against the good to make room for the great! When you...

#42 – Everyone Has The Same Issues

Everyone Has The Same Issues

Whenever you are facing a difficult situation in your life and you feel powerless and maybe do not know what to do next, think about this: Everybody has the same issues and challenges. There is nobody who is excluded of being afraid of something, of having to face fear, not knowing what will happen to them in the future. It is universal. There is also a old saying which says: “the more...