I just stumbled upon a little test from the book The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz. Go and see for yourself how “big” your thinking is and if your thoughts are actually supporting you in achieve this big thinks you are set out to reach. In the left column below are listed several common situations. In the middle and right column are comparisons of how petty thinkers and...
#55 – Do Not Depress Your Depression
Society tells you that depression or panic attacks are some kind of illness and have to be treated with medication, but I don’t believe that. Depression is an emotion, and all emotions are simply signals from your body caused by your thoughts and interpretations of your surrounding world and life situation. They want to inform you that something is not right and try to guide you into the...
#54 – Tell Me Who You Are Without Telling Me What You Do
Somebody once told me: “I challenge you to tell me who you are, without telling me what you do”. Challenge accepted… I believe that you are not your profession (“I am a teacher.”), not your past (“I have always been like that.”) and definitely not your future (“Soon I will be…”). I also doubt that you are any of the achievements you had...