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#65 – The Ten Action Signals: Inadequacy

The Ten Action Signals: Inadequacy

8. Inadequacy The feeling of unworthiness occurs anytime we feel we can’t do something we should be able to do. The challenge, of course is that often we have a completely unfair rule for determining whether we’re inadequate or not. First, understand the message inadequacy is giving you. The Message: The message is that you don’t presently have a level of skill necessary for the...

#64 – The Ten Action Signals: Guilt

The Ten Action Signals: Guilt

7. Guilt The emotions of guilt, regret and remorse are among the emotions human beings do most to avoid in life, and this is valuable. They are painful emotions for us to experience, but they, too, serve a valuable function, one which becomes apparent once we hear the message. The Message: Guilt tells you that you have violated one of your own highest standards, and that you must do something...

#63 – Never Compare Yourself To Others

Never Compare Yourself To Others

My last weeks have been a total struggle. Huge loads of work made me feel like nothing is working out for me, I felt disappointed and overwhelmed and I saw no way out. After 15 hour of work each day I come home exhausted just to take a shower and fall into bed. My personal projects I follow outside of work got ignored and I spend less and less of my time with them because of this physical...