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#215 – How We Choose Our Heroes

We all recognize admirable qualities in others when we see them. We naturally know what it feels like when there is something we admire in others and would love to emulate for ourselves as well. But then I wondered: why wouldn’t we then do more of these things ourselves, especially after we have seen their effects so clearly manifested in people we admire? Wouldn’t we want to become our own...

#214 – King of Losers

Men don't have any reason to grow up.

They could remain the little man-child they are, as life itself doesn't force them to step up and adopt responsibility over their actions. Yes, they might suffer under the meaninglessness of their shallow and pleasure-seeking life if they don’t, but at least they don't have to take ownership and bear the heavy burden of responsibility.

#213 – Is Your Story “Untouchable”?

There are specific themes in our life which are so highly valued you could say we would be willing to die for them. And ironically, to let some of them go and move beyond them, something within us indeed has to die.

But what happens when we recognize these “holy concepts” within ourselves, and we also realize that we’ve built an impenetrable Ring of Ignorance around them too?