#205 – Happy Birthday, Dear FutureMe!

The following is an email from the past, composed on March 06, 2017. It is being delivered from the past through FutureMe.org

Dear FutureMe,

Hey there Thomas,

in a couple of days there is your big day again! And just like every year I am pretty sure you are not really looking forward to it at all. I know exactly how you feel my friend. But maybe I am wrong, and this time will be different! Who knows. Anyways, I hope you are having a great time nonetheless and you also enjoy yourself a bit (at least for once). Do yourself a favor and stop being so harsh on yourself. Everything is just fine the way it is.

Still, I was wondering if I could help you out a bit. Let’s time-travel my little ass over to you and see what I can do for you right now. I know you always wished for someone to be there for you to cheer you up when things don’t work out like you wanted them to. And I know that you secretly hoped for someone to maybe give you some form of encouragement or even some insights on how to get out of that mess again.

But I am here to tell you that everything you need to know is already within you and you don’t need all that crap you wish for.

And to prove my point, I’ll show you:

You wrote this email one year ago. You wrote it. And because it’s coming from you, from the past, of course, everything I know and I could possibly tell you right now is already available to you anyways. You already know where you want to go, and all you have to do is to search yourself and maybe dig a tiny bit deeper.

Sometimes we hope for someone else to help us out, and we forget that we could also be this person for ourselves as well. If there is nobody around, oftentimes, we have to become our very own somebody instead.

All you have to do is go within yourself and listen to that quiet voice. It knows exactly what you need to do. It knows the next step. Trust in yourself. Trust in your gut feeling. It will always lead you where you need to go next in order to become the person you were sent here to be.

Don’t try to be all “human” and overanalyze why something is stupid or wrong, or why it will never work out. Be a little bit more “spiritual” in these tough times and trust in something bigger than yourself. You are just a guy doing your thing. So better enjoy doing it too. There are way bigger things going on around you and in the end all that matters is that you gave it your all – whatever this may be for you at any stage in your life.

So, become more of your real you. You have to dig deeper and uncover what you really want out of life and also decide what type of person you’d like to become. And then repeatedly do these things this person would be doing as well. You have to look for these tiny glimpses of real truth within yourself which shine through the thick walls we sometimes build to protect us from even more harm.

Never forget that only when you stay true to yourself, you can also stay true to others, so don’t try to bend yourself into something you are not just to please them by putting their needs over yours. You’ll never be able to satisfy them this way anyway, and it will eventually break you (like it already did too many times in the past).

I don’t know what all of this means and I am also not sure why I am writing this stuff either. But I feel like I want to give you something today. And if this text alone is something you can use as an inspiration for your today’s blog post… you are more than welcome! (check)

You are a great human being. You are always caring so much for others and so little about yourself. I am here to tell you that it is OK to also look out for yourself from time to time. So be kind to yourself. You deserve that too.

I love you.

And you should love yourself as well.

Happy Birthday!