ArchiveAugust 2013

#25 – Meditation Is A Waste Of Time

Meditation Is A Waste Of Time

Whenever you feel like doing some kind of mediation is useless and you don’t see the sense in it, you probably haven’t been doing meditation for some time (or haven’t been doing it at all). After a productive work day it is normal to not see the sense in doing nothing for about 20 minutes. It just doesn’t feel like achieving something. And sitting on a chair doesn’t...

#24 – Start Your Day The Way You Want It To End

Start Your Day The Way You Want It To End

Look at you and how you usually start your day. Are you hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock multiply times until you finally give in and crawl your way out of bed? Or are you waking up fully recharged and filled with energy and enthusiasm to conquer any challenge that day will unfold for you? Realize that the way you start your morning will greatly influence your upcoming day, so give...

#23 – Find Your Why And Nothing Can Stop You

Find Your Why And Nothing Can Stop You

"Someone once told me the definition of hell: the last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." It is somehow the most motivational and also the scariest thing I have ever read in a quote and maybe it feels the same for you too. What is your reason to keep pushing yourself?

#22 – Just Ask “Why Not?” And Be Open To New Things

Just Ask "Why Not?" And Be Open To New Things

Two days ago a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to run a fun triathlon competition with him. It was a quarter of the distance of a normal Ironman competition (1 km swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running). Immediately I said: “Yes, why not?” since I always wanted to do it, although I had nearly no training what so ever. I knew I could do it, although I also knew that it will be...

#21 – Your Perception of the World Is Wrong

Your Perception of the World Is Wrong

Whatever you perceive to be correct might not be the same for others. Everybody sees the world through his own eyes, which is good, but also the main cause why a lot of struggle happens in the world. You have to remind yourself that the old saying “the map is not the territory” applies here too. Your life perception is just one of many possible perceptions. It is just one view of it...

#20 – Seeing The Bigger Picture

Seeing The Bigger Picture

Whatever you set out to achieve in your life, whatever goal you want to reach, whatever journey you undertake, it will always take a lot of time and effort. Since the first steps on your journey will be very small and the final destination might seem very distant, it is very easy to lose your destination out of sight along the way. There will be a lot of uncertainty and doubt and it might feel...

#19 – How You Speak To People Determines The Relationship

How You Speak To People Determines The Relationship

Your word has power. It is a reflection of your daily thoughts. You are thinking thousands of thoughts a day (but most of them are repetitive anyways and statistics say that 90% of them are even negative, which is an own issue in itself). Your words are the representation of the sum of these thoughts. If you have bad quality thoughts about something, chances are high that these thoughts will...

#17 – How Books Will Shape You Into A Successful Leader

How Books Will Shape You Into A Successful Leader

Reading good books is the most essential tool you can use for yourself to achieve anything in life. It is the cheapest and most efficient way to absorb knowledge that you can use to support yourself in any endeavour in your life. I actually believe that BECAUSE books are so cheap, people don’t see their true value. An awesome book can literally be like the “best of” of 50+ years...

#16 – Telling The Truth Sucks

Telling The Truth Sucks

Relentlessly telling the truth could be the hardest thing you do in your life. Telling the truth all the time would mean to always express your feelings and thoughts to the fullest, never hold back and never filter or change any message to something more feasible because you want to prevent the other person from harm. It would mean to always say the truth even if it means you will face...

#15 – The Ego: The Only Reason For Your Problems

The Ego: The Only Reason For Your Problems

When we talk about who we are we often talk about superficial stuff like: “I am an engineer”, “I am a teacher”, “I am an honest person”, “I am a hard worker”, “I am a smoker”, “I am a mother”, etc. All of this might be true. And also none of it. You are nothing of all the stuff you think you are, and ironically you are so...