ArchiveJuly 2013

#2 – Take 100% Responsibility For Everything You Do

Take 100% Responsibility For Everything You Do

Everything you experience in your life is the result of your actions. This is maybe one of the most fundamental and basic principles in life.  Only when you take 100% responsibility for ALL your actions, you can experience a rich and meaningful life. Only when you understand that it is you who is in charge, you open up to the possibilities of actually changing your life to the better. Make...

#1 – You Are Not Your Emotions

You Are Not Your Emotions

Whatever kind of emotion you feel is a signal. It is a call to action. Your emotions are there for a reason and therefore you should listen to your them very carefully. Whenever you feel a certain emotion, recognize it in your body, but don’t identify with it. Instead try to understand why they arose in the first place and investigate what they might want to “tell” you. For...